
Full & Partial Dentures in Sydney


At Merrylands Denture Clinic, we understand the significant effect dentures can have on your life. Our Australian-made dentures are more than just replacements for missing teeth; they are the key to retaining your confidence, smile, and overall quality of life.

The Importance of Dentures

Whether you're missing a few teeth or an entire set, the significance of dentures cannot be overstated. Here are some reasons why dentures are essential:

Restored Functionality: Dentures allow you to have the ability to chew and eat comfortably once again. Missing teeth can make it tricky to enjoy a nutritious diet and may lead to digestive issues. 

Improved Speech: Missing teeth can have an impact on your speech, causing difficulties in pronunciation and communication. Dentures provide support for your lips and tongue, helping you articulate words clearly and confidently.

Enhanced Appearance: Your smile is a key aspect of your self-confidence and appearance. Dentures not only fill gaps in your teeth but also help restore the natural shape of your face, eliminating a sunken or aged appearance. 

Oral Health: Unaddressed gaps from missing teeth can lead to many oral health problems. Adjacent teeth may shift out of alignment, causing bite problems and in some cases, jaw pain. 

Prevention of Bone Loss: When teeth are missing, the underlying jawbone may deteriorate over time. Dentures provide essential support to the jawbone, reducing further bone loss and preserving your facial structure.

Enhanced Self-Esteem: Restoring your smile with dentures can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and mental well-being. 

Functional Convenience: Dentures are a practical and non-invasive solution for tooth replacement. They are removable, making daily cleaning and maintenance relatively easy and convenient. 

Customisation: Modern dentures are custom-made to fit your unique dental structure and requirements. This provides a comfortable and natural-looking result that blends seamlessly with your existing teeth.

Full Dentures 

Our dentures are carefully crafted to replace an entire set of missing teeth. We start by taking precise measurements and impressions of your mouth, ensuring a seamless fit. Our Australian-made full dentures offer exceptional comfort, allowing you to smile, speak, and eat with ease. Whether you need a full upper or lower denture, we'll work closely with you to achieve a natural appearance that matches your facial features.

Partial Dentures

For those with a few missing teeth, partial dentures are a perfect fit. These prosthetics are designed to seamlessly blend with your remaining natural teeth. Our Dental Prosthetist, Eddy, and our experienced team ensure that your partial dentures fit comfortably and securely, giving you a bright and functional smile.

To learn more about our full & partial dentures, contact our team on (02) 9897 2222.

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